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Bulk or Cut | Science of Skinny Fat Solution

Duration: 15:43Views: 70.4KLikes: 2.7KDate Created: Mar, 2022

Channel: Paul Revelia

Category: Education

Tags: science of fat losssteps to fix skinny fatskinny fat solutionlower abdomen fatskinny fat workouthow much walking 10% body fathow to fix skinny fatwalking to shreddedskinny fat dietlove handleslower back fat

Description: Skinny Fat can be explained as a BMI or body mass index which may seem healthy, however the body has low levels of muscle and strength and high levels of body fat. This is often achieved through low levels of exercise, poor diet along with crash diets which can cause the body to be metabolically adapted and to lose lean body mass each time a crash diet is attempted. While skinny fat may seem a simple fix the truth is that it's a lot of behavior changes. Not everyone loves to go to the gym. So let's talk about the science of being skinny fat and how we can turn someone into the best possible version of themselves. Skinny Fat Workouts and Skinny Fat Diets are essentially just part of the problem. We will dig into the root of the issue with how to change the body and how we resolve the hormonal and metabolic issues without having to restart to TRT. How much walking to 10% body fat was a video I made about moving and that's something we discuss as well! Science of Skinny Fat and the Solution to fix it!

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